Friday, April 22, 2011

Damn I'm bad at keeping this thing updated....

I'd say that I can't believe it's been this long, but I really can.

Warhammer armies continue to be painted, but now I have a new shiny thing - Infinity!

Today I finished this Hassassin army for Karl, in return for Karl purchasing a big chunk of my own army.








and finally a Bagh Mari from my new Pan-Oceania army


Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I've spent most of my free time over the last couple of weeks trimming miniatures off the sprue, cleaning them up, basing, and simply getting as much together as I can.

I've realised 2 things.

1. I'm OCD when it comes to mould-lines on miniatures. The new GW plastics are damed nice, and they clean up fairly quickly as well. Glad I'm not assembling this many Warmachine miniatures at once.

2. I'm glad I picked a small army. It's going to take a number of months to get this force up and running, partly because I don't want to scrimp on quality.

Managed to get a small 1000pt game in against Karl, and it was our first game in about 8 years each.

Damn it was fun! I hate canons. After routing most of the empire force, my general was left in the open, standing in front of a canon. His army rallied at that point, but I reckon they really just wanted to stop running and watch the chaos hero on his daemonic mount explode!

I'll get some pics up soon, but nothing really exciting has happened yet. Did all the bases for the first 1000pts at once - sand, gravel and pine bark for stone. Looks good as is, very keen to experiment with painting it.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

I got home from work this afternoon to find a good sized parcel waiting for me.

A quick check of the contents reveals:

Chaos Lord on demonic mount
2 boxes of Marauder Horsemen
1 box of Chaos Hounds
3 boxes of Chaos Knights
1 box Chaos Spawn

Thus begins my 1000pt Chaos cavalry force.... now I have to find the time to assemble the buggers before my first game with Karl....

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Has it been that long? Really?

I haven't played any GW games for a fair while now, as Warmachine grabbed me pretty hard. I've been keeping an eye on Warhammer however, as the new plastics keep getting better and better.

After hearing that some of the guys are keen to start playing again, if only small games to start with, I decided to jump back in. I grabbed some dark elf miniatures, although my heart was set on chaos, and wouldn't you know it, a couple of months after the new chaos stuff came out.

It blew me away.

Finally I've decided to put together a force that fits in with my current restricted painting time, as well as fitting my thoughts on how I want a chaos force to look. I keep thinking back to the raiders at the start of the first Conan movie, rather than the typical mutated horde. After looking at the new plastics, a dark pact was struck. An entirely cavalry based army.

The army will consist of a compact mix of marauder horsemen, chaos hounds (close enough to cav) and chaos knights. I've grabbed a couple of the new spawn as well, so that I can have something mutated.

Now I'm just waiting for the miniatures to arrive from Maelstrom Games.
I plan on blogging the entire army process, and hope I'm not being too ambitous.

Time will tell.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Something a little older...

Finally got a pic of a nice Reaper miniature I painted for my wife about a year ago. I really like the way it turned out - not technically, but overall. I picked up some more Reaper minis from the Tin Soldier in Sydney yesterday, and plan on using them to really try and see what I can do if I really focus. The next step is the miniature I plan on entering in this years Golden Demon awards - we'll see how it all goes.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

First post - a test of sorts

I need to work on my miniature photography, and I think I know one of my friends who should be able to give me all the advice/tips that I need. Having said that, here's my latest miniature - Darius from Privateer Press's Warmachine line.